Hand Drawn Lavender



Jori swinging a crystal pendant.


Reiki is a spiritual energy practice that approaches healing holistically, focusing on all parts of a person. With roots in traditional Japanese medicine, Reiki practitioners transmit natural healing vibrations through their hands to the patient, directing the flow of Universal Life Force Energy in the body.

What is Universal Life Force Energy?

Universal Life Force Energy flows through all living things and is directly connected to our physical health and mental wellbeing. When our inner energy is out of balance, so too is our body. This can manifest in both mental and physical symptoms such as anxiety, depression and fatigue.



How Can Reiki Help?

Through various techniques that involve a light and non-intrusive touch of the hands, Reiki practitioners direct energy throughout the body to promote natural healing and wellbeing. Reiki offers countless benefits and can help you relieve stress and pain, develop spiritually, release emotional blockages, accelerate natural healing, cleanse the mind, and boost the immune system.

In my first treatment with Jori, I was so emotional. It was the first time in a long time that I was able to release and let go. She is truly gifted and I am grateful that she is able to hold space for me to grow. Thank you Jori!
— Christy W | Reiki Client

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