Hand Drawn Flowers sitting above triangular shapes with crescent moons.


Psych K

A close up of Jori and Tessa holding hands, along with crystals and pendant jewellery.

What is psych k?

Psych K ® is a simple yet powerful process that facilitates access to the subconscious mind in order to change internalized beliefs and perceptions of our past trauma. These subconscious beliefs are often the cause of self-sabotaging behaviours. 

Does it feel like something is missing in your life? Do you feel frustrated, incomplete, blocked, or fearful? These feelings are often a result of our limiting beliefs. Psych K ® works to transform self-limiting beliefs to create long-term happiness in your life.

What are limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs are thoughts within the subconscious mind that hold us back in some way. They can be related to our abilities, self-identity, rights, and so on. Limiting beliefs are things we hold to be true and yet they prevent us from moving forward and reaching our full potential.

The subconscious mind makes up 98% of our daily lives. We are often told to “just think positively” but if our subconscious is programmed to think negatively, we struggle to move forward. This is true in all aspects from our relationships to our health and finances.



How can psych K help?

Psych K ® incorporates Kinesiology, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), acupressure, and various spiritual healing practices to help navigate the subconscious mind, change limiting beliefs and evolve our consciousness to a higher level of thinking. If you are longing to resolve past trauma, increase self confidence, find self-acceptance or establish positive beliefs, Psych K ® can facilitate the change you wish to manifest in your life.

I cannot thank Jori & Tessa enough! I’ve had the opportunity to work with both of these incredible sisters. In just 3 sessions I was able to overcome my fear of public speaking and open my throat chakra. The shift was immediate and completely transformed my confidence. My daughter even noticed! I feel worthy and no longer doubt myself and that has been such a gift to me.
— Jennifer H | Psych K Client
Hand drawn heart


Hands growing lavender

Fulfilling relationships

Hand drawn woman in bikini

body image

Hand drawn coin


Hand drawn sun


Hand drawn suitcase


Hand drawn lotus leaf


Half crescent moon

Increased spirituality


Discover our Psych K sessions